The Commissary at Langley AFB offers grocery services for patrons aboard Langley AFB.
Special Hours
President's Day - Feb 17 - 0900 - 1700 (early closure)
Memorial Day - May 25 - 0900 - 1700 (early closure)
Independence Day - July 4 - 0900 - 1700 (early closure)
Items on Sale
Check out the latest sales flyer.
Sidewalk Sales
No sidewalk sales at this time.
Department Telephone Numbers
757.764.7604/ 757.764.4194/ 757.766.1215
Customer Service X 3112/3140
Customer Service Manager X 3143/3168
Meat Dept. X 3125
Produce Dept. X 3110
Grocery Dept. X 3120/3122
Deli Dept. X 3113
Seafood Dept. X 3131
Management Support X 3107/3105
Receiving Office X 3108
Secretary X 3101
Special Information
No special information at this time.
Guest Rules
Guests may enter the commissary only when accompanied by an authorized patron. To protect the commissary benefit, I.D. cards will be verified upon checkout.
Special Order Information
Need something special for your event? Your commissary accepts special orders on our products. Contact your store for more information.
Source: Commissary Website