The CDC at Langley AFB (JBLE) offers childcare services.
To foster positive identity and a sense of emotional well being
To enhance social skills
To encourage children to think, reason, question and experiment
To promote language and literacy development
To build physical development and skills
The curriculum is based on the well-established “Creative Curriculum” which focuses on meeting the needs and interests of the whole child using an individualized lesson plan. Children learn to care for pets in every room and develop self-help skills through hands-on experiences. Our diverse staff offer introduction to various languages through inclusion of Spanish and Sign Language. Long-term projects and studies give children an opportunity to explore and learn in-depth. One of the more popular studies is the garden project which has continued for several years and includes studies on soil, insects, composting and a variety of seeds and plants. Daily outdoor activities and a state of the art playground offer large motor development and play, something all children enjoy.
Food Service
The program serves a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks. Meals are served “Family Style” to promote conversation and to encourage children to try new foods. The menu offers a variety of foods that include multi-cultural items. All meals meet the USDA standards and menus are approved by a base dietitian or a MAJCOM specialist.
Parent Involvement
The Parent Advisory Board (PAB) allows parents opportunities to actively participate in program activities. Parents who are involved in the PAB establish a partnership between their families and the program. The PAB gives parents opportunities to feel that they are part of the program. The PAB meets the first Thursday of each quarter at 1100 at Russ CDC, and supports fundraisers and other events for the children and staff.
Waiting List
Parents should visit to add their child to the waitlist. Children will be placed according to the Langley AFB Family Member Programs Flight Priority Enrollment Policy. Unborn children may be placed on the unborn waiting list anytime during the of pregnancy. PCS inbound can be placed on the waiting list as soon as they have published orders.
Once a child care space is offered, the sponsor has twenty-four hours to accept the position. A $100.00 holding fee and completed registration packet must be received at the CDP two working days after accepting the child care space. If no contact is made within twenty-four hours or the space is refused by the sponsor, the space will be offered to the next family on the waiting list. When a family does not make contact or refuses the space, the family will be removed from the waiting list and a new waitlist request on must be accomplished to return to the waiting list.
The CDP complies with AFI 34-248, the most current year of the Inspection Checklist and with National Association for the Education of Young Children criterion for accreditation. In addition, a Parent Agreement is maintained and revised annually which outlines additional policies that are more specific.
Source: CDC Website