What is a Fisher House?
Fisher Houses are comfortable homes that serve as a temporary residence near a military or VA medical facility where family members can eat, sleep, relax and find support from other families in similar situations
Check in: Landstuhl Fisher House II during duty hours and through the hospital information desk after hours and on weekends, once availability is confirmed: DSN 590-4100 or Civilian 06371-9464-4100.
Landstuhl Fisher Houses prioritize their rooms according to the severity of the medical situation. Referrals should be submitted one week prior to date needed. A referral is not a reservation until we have confirmed one business day prior to arrival we have an availability. We do not make reservations.
If you are here in an emergency situation (such as ICU or combat casualty due to Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation New Dawn), and need a room after our normal business hours, please contact the hospital information desk.