The JBSA Recreation Park at Canyon Lake provides a wide variety of recreational activities that allow for outdoor fun on a year-round basis. The recreation park consists of 250 acres of the most beautiful lakefront property in the area. The park provides many different lodging, camping, equipment and activity options to ensure everyone has a great adventure in the outdoors. The park is open 365 days out of the year.
Source: JBSAtoday Website

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3 Reviews
I called and the phone was answered on the fourth ring! Wonderful service.
posted about 6 years ago
It would be wonderful if the staff would answer the phone. This place is a joke getting reservations. If you are understaffed to answer a phone then do reservation booking online. I have called over 200 times and spent more than 2 hours this week just trying to get a reservation to go camping. This is not how the military handles business and I'm severely disappointed in the MWR for not getting this under control
posted over 7 years ago
Good luck getting someone to answer the phones, been trying for over a week and all they do is ring. This place needs to be contracted out to a private contractor who knows how to run a business, its very appearant that they can not handle the simpless task of answering a telephone and taking a reservation.
posted over 7 years ago