Gateway Club at Lackland AFB is one of the largest Air Force clubs stateside. The club houses the Lone Star and Maverick Lounges. The Gateway Club operation is open six days a week. Special functions are handled via catering contracts.
Cashier's Cage
Tue - Fri 1100-1500
Lone Star Lounge
Mon & Sat Closed
Tue - Thur 1600-2000.
Fri 1500-2300
Mon Closed
Tue, Wed, Fri 1100-1300
Thur 100-1500
Thur (Night Buffet) 1600-1900
Sun (Breakfast Buffet) 0930-1130
Catering Office
Please call for appointment
Tue - Fri 0930-1600
Source: JBSA FSS Website

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1 Review
To whom it may concern, is it possible to open base clubs, primarily the Gateway Club on Lackland AFB, every other Saturday, from 5:30 to 10:00pm for the community. For most soldiers, veterans and their families. They are too tired after a long work week to full utilize our entertainment facilities on most Fridays. This will give our military community a more safe and enjoyable place to go on couples dates, listen to music & bands, eat ect. John W. SFC USAR (Ret)
posted over 6 years ago