The Personal Financial Readiness Services at Lackland AFB provide patrons with the tools and information needed to develop individual strategies, achieve financial goals, and address financial challenges. Seminars, classes and individualized counseling sessions are offered in the areas of budgeting, credit & debt management, home and car buying, investing, consumer protection, Thrift Savings Plans and other areas of general money management.
Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a financial advisor to evaluate individual or family income and expenditures, recommendations for short-and long-term goals, and retirement contributions. Financial counselors are also available to discuss budgets, debt counseling, retirement and Family Substance Supplemental Allowances.
In order to make an accurate assessment of your financial situation, bring the following to your appointment:
• A current paystub or leave and earnings statement (LES)
• Spouse's paystub or leave and earning statement (LES)
• Proof of any other household income
• Current bank statement
• Statement(s) from creditor(s) indicating current balance, interest rate, and minimum payment, any demand for payment letters or payment plans (A complete list of all debt, even if you haven't it paid in a while)
Source: JBSA Website