The Child Development Center (CDC) at Lackland AFB (JBSA) is located just inside the main gate on the east side of Military Dr. The mission of the CDC is to promote social, emotional, cognitive and physical developmental needs of each individual child from ages 6 weeks to 5 years old.
Enriched activities are offered for children ages 3-5 and include programs like language, music, beginning reading skills, pre-writing, pre-math, science, nutrition, computer technology and social skills.
Services Provided:
The Child Development Programs at Lackland offers full time care and hourly care based on available space.
Fees for all child care services are assessed according to fee categories. Fee categories are assigned by the patron's Total Family Income (TFI) as directed by Air Force and DoDI regulations. Activities, special events and recreational sports are offered at a flat rate. FCC providers' fees fall within fee range.
Source: JBSA FSS