Dialing Directions
DSN from the States: 314-358-XXXX
Commercial from the States: 011-32-11-34-XXXX
Local Commercial: 011-34-XXXX
The most convenient airport to fly into is the Brussels Airport. Please travel in civilian clothes and keep your sponsor informed of your arrival information so pickup can be arranged.
Kleine Brogel Air Base, home of the Belgian Air Force 10th Wing Tactical and the 701st Munitions Support Squadron, is located in the province of Limburg, Belgium. The base is approximately 60 miles northeast of Brussels, 60 miles east of Antwerp, 40 miles north of Liege and about 30 miles south of Eindhoven, Netherlands. The nearest U.S. military facility is Army Garrison Schinnen, approximately 1 hour away.

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