Family Child Care at Keesler AFB provides an alternative to Child Development Center care for families who need full-time, drop-in, evening or weekend care for infants to school-age children. Child care is avaliable for parents working swing and midnight shifts and UTA weekends.
FCC providers are well trained professionals - most have completed or are seeking degrees. They and their family members undergo thorough background checks, consenting to monthly unannounced home inspections for fire, health and child safety. In addition, their homes are closely monitored on a regular basis by the FCC coordinator.
Family Child Care is an excellent career opportunity for stay at home spouses who wish to contribute to the family income while caring for their own children. Providers are limited to care for no more than six children including their own. New Provider's Orientation classes are held quarterly for anyone desiring to offer child care in their home.
Source: Keesler AFB FSS Website