The Dental Clinic at Keesler AFB is located about two blocks west of the hospital in Bldg 0824.
Complete dental care is provided for all active-duty military personnel assigned to Keesler in one of the largest and best-equipped dental clinics in the Air Force. It is a major referral and consultant center for active-duty personnel assigned to other military organizations in the surrounding area and has all dental specialties represented.
The 81st Dental Squadron is home to approximately 11 dental officers who undergo training in either a one-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry, a General Practice Residency, a 2-year Endodontic residency program, or a Fellowship program in implant dentistry.
All eligible patients with dental emergencies (acute pain, bleeding, infection, or trauma) can call the Dental Clinic for an appointment. Hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays, and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. Weekends, holidays and after normal duty hours, dental emergencies patients should contact the emergency room.
All non-active duty dental care is extremely limited. Eligible beneficiaries are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Active Duty Family Member Dental Plan or the Retiree's Dental Plan. Periodically, there are unique requirements for the residency programs that cannot be met through routine care of the active duty population. These requirements may be fulfilled using eligible beneficiaries. These cases are limited and advertised as needed through various media.
Active duty Air Force members assigned to Keesler are required to have a periodic dental examination and they are scheduled through their orderly rooms. Follow-on appointments are made at the time of the periodic dental exam appointment or by calling the Dental Clinic.
Source: Keesler AFB Website