Hallstrom Lake Recreation at Hunter Army Airfield offers two playgrounds, fishing pier and restrooms.
A Georgia DNR and FS/HAAF permits are required to fish at Halstrom Pond.
All pavilions have picnic table seating, ceiling fans, electrical, and running water.
(1) Large Pavilion:
Seats approximately 100 people
$100 Monday-Thursday
$125 Friday-Sunday
(3) Small Pavilion:
Seats approximately 30 people
$25 Monday-Thursday
$30 Friday-Sunday
Facilities are reserved on a first come, first served basis. Areas are open to all users and only the pavilions are being reserved. If the entire area is requested to be closed, HAAF ODR Director must be notified via written notice with even name, date, participants and reason the area must be closed to the private event.
Pavilions can be utilized when Outdoor Recreation is not open.
Source: stewarthunter.armymwr.com