Parent Central Services at Hunter Army Airfield is the gateway to all the latest programs and services that Child & Youth Services has to offer. You can register your child with CYS and receive access and information on all their programs and services. Registration is FREE and RENEWABLE on an annual basis.
In order to maintain the highest level of customer service the Families deserve, Parent Central Services will prioritize patrons by appointment during regular operating hours (last appointment is at 1600). Wednesday is open to better accommodate walk-in patrons. Failure to provide completed documentation may result in rescheduling of appointment.
Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families. Within CYS you will find something to meet your children’s needs, including:
Full, part time or hourly child care
Before/after school care
Programs for your middle school and teen youth
Instructional classes
Workforce preparation opportunities
Sports and fitness activities
Today’s CYS programs, deemed a "model for the nation" by Presidential acclaim, continue to operate on these cornerstones:
Quality – Child care is DoD-certified and nationally accredited
Availability – Child care is available on- and off-post
Affordability – Fees for various programs are competitively priced and affordable regardless of sponsor's income
Accountability - To safeguard the Army's resources by efficient management oversight, good fiscal stewardship, reducing waste and protecting assets of programs and services to Soldiers and their Families.
Source: Hunter Stewart MWR Website