The Legal Assistance Office, located on Hill AFB, is responsible for the delivery of personal legal assistance and preventive law programs directed at all active duty and Reserve military personnel assigned or attached to Hill AFB (or living in the surrounding geographic area to include Utah, Southern Idaho and Western Wyoming) and their dependents, and retired military personnel and their dependents living in the similarly defined geographic area.
Legal services provided includes wills, powers of attorney, estate planning issues, and legal questions/advice dealing with sales and rental agreements, landlord/tenant issues, personal contracts, divorce, adoption and other similar actions.
The branch is responsible for the Hill AFB Tax Assistance Program, which provides advice and the free preparation of Federal and state tax returns to active, Reserve and retired military ID cardholders. In addition, the branch performs a preventive law program, which includes the drafting and issuance of informative pamphlets on a variety of legal topics, providing legal-oriented briefings to organization/groups, and drafting periodic legal articles for publication in the base newspaper.
The branch is also responsible for providing support to operational law actions, to include manning PDF lines, providing LOAC briefings and manning the JA slot in base operations/exercises.
Source: Hill AFB Website