The Hanscom Visitor Control Center is located in building 1617 adjacent to the Vandenberg Gate. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Visitor Control Center is closed on all weekends and federal holidays.
The Hanscom Visitor Control Center provides passes for short and long term visits. All sponsors must direct their non-Department of Defense affiliated guests to the Hanscom Visitor Center, where the visitor can be verified and a pass issued. The Hanscom Visitor Center is also the focal point for functions and special events for guests who do not have DoD affiliation. Only valid DoD ID cardholders (active duty military, retirees, Reservists, National Guard and their family members or a civilian DoD employee) are authorized to sponsor visitors onto Hanscom AFB. Sponsors accept full responsibility for their visitor's conduct while on Hanscom AFB.
During Duty Hours:
Visitors must be identified by their sponsor (a valid DoD ID card holder) prior to arrival. The sponsor may pre-announce their visitor by calling 781-225-6642 or 781-225-6643. Sponsors may also pre-announce their visitor in person at the visitor center or by emailing [email protected] from a .mil or government email account. The sponsor must meet their visitor at the determined location given by the sponsor. The sponsor should provide the following information:
1. Sponsor's name, organization, address and contact number
2. Visitor's name, both first and last
3. Expected length of the visit
4. Location of the visit