The 66th Medical Squadron at Hanscom AFB is an outpatient military treatment facility with a staff of approximately 162 military, civilian, and contract personnel spread across five buildings, encompassing more than 62,000 square feet. The main building is over 50,000 square feet. Our 2015 annual budget was $7.6 million. Average enrollment is 5,798 patients which is 79% percent of capacity. They have approximately 21,000 beneficiaries in our catchment area with up to 125,000 beneficiaries in a seven state region they support. The clinic sees an average of 2,949 outpatient visits each month or 109 visits each day.
The 66 MDS is comprised of seven flights: Aerospace/Operational Medicine Flight, Medical -Operations Flight, Dental Operations Flight, Mental Health Flight, Business Operations & Beneficiary Support Flight, Medical Logistics & Readiness Flight, and Diagnostics & Therapeutics Flight. The Aerospace/Operational Medicine Flight includes Flight Medicine, Bioenvironmental Engineering, Health Promotions, Optometry, and Public Health. The Medical Operations Flight contains both the Family Health and Pediatrics Clinics. The Mental Health Flight includes the Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Family Advocacy Clinics. The Diagnostics & Therapeutics Flight contains the Pharmacy, Laboratory and Radiology.
Source: AF MTF Website