The Great Lakes Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) is located in bldg. 43-H and provides routine care to pets of all military service members and retirees, military working dogs, government working dogs and mascots. Please call to make appointments. While this facility exists for government-owned working dogs and mascots, routine care to pets of military personnel is provided as time and resources allow. Call for appointments. The VTF does NOT treat emergencies; it is highly encouraged you maintain a civilian veterinarian for these purposes.
Lake County Residents - Including Navy Housing:
All residents of Lake County must register their animals with Lake County officials (847) 949-9725. All animals receiving a rabies vaccination at the Great Lakes Veterinary Treatment Facility must register and pay the fee at the time of the animal's vaccination.
Authorized Users:
All military, retirees and family members with a valid ID card are eligible to use the VTF. Those eligible to use the VTF may bring pets in for annual vaccinations, fecal testing for intestinal parasites, heartworm testing, and minor skin infections. Appointments are necessary and there is a charge for services provided. Shampoo, ear cleaning products, heartworm preventatives and flea control products for dogs and cats are available for purchase. Please call to make an appointment, or for more information.
Follow them on Facebook: Great Lakes Veterinary Treatment Facility
Source: NavyMWR Great Lakes