The Airman & Family Readiness Manager provides programs and services to support sustained mission and family readiness. Providing the services to strengthen personal and family competencies to meet the unique challenges of military life.
In addition to the A&FRPM there is also a Family Readiness Group (FRG) and Key Volunteer Program (KVP). The FRG is a volunteer group; they assist the A&FRPM with quarterly events and annual briefing, conduct fund raising activities, and attend workshops & training. The Key Voluneer (KV) is a volunteer that assists the AFRPM to ensure families are in the know. The KV's are appointed by the Commander within their specific units. Please contact Lisa D'Agostino if you are interested in being a part of the 106th FRG or KV team. Volunteers may be a spouse, parent, sibling, significant other, friend, or a retiree.
Source: 106th Rescue Wing Website