From Fairbanks International Airport: After you pick up your luggage from the baggage claim, there is a Kiosk located at the Fairbanks Information Desk, with a courtesy phone and numbers to contact Ft Wainwrights Garrison Replacement Detachment (907-353-4311/353-2273) to request transportation from the Airport. You can also take a taxi (which is reimbursable if receipt is turned in to Finance) from the Airport to Building 3419 on Ft Wainwright.
Signing In:
If you are signing in off leave during duty hours (0730-1630) MondayFriday, please report to Building 3401 (907-353-2273) with a copy of your orders and leave form.
If you are signing in off leave after duty hours, weekendss or Holidays (1630-0730), please report to Building 3419 (907-353-4311) with a copy of your orders and leave form.