The Marne Reception Center at Fort Stewart is the in-processing center for the 3rd Infantry Division, headquartered at Fort Stewart, Georgia. It is located in the Soldier Readiness Center building.
The Marne Reception Center now offers a base bus tour and newcomer’s fair which allows all incoming personnel and their families to meet and hear from Division and Garrison command leadership, meet with their gaining units Family Readiness Group leaders, and meet with representatives of all the major directorate and Soldier and Family services.
The MRC also integrated eight hours of financial planning counseling, a new offering in 2015. In addition, MRC has Bystander Intervention training, designed to eradicate sexual assaults and empower Soldiers to intervene in critical situations.
Upon arrival at Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield, all Soldiers will report to the Marne Reception Center (MRC) to sign in to the Installation.
Additional Reporting Instructions include:
1) Soldiers must sign into the MRC no later than 2359 on the day yourleave ends as annotated on DA 31 or the report date annotated on the official military orders bringing you to Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield.
2) If you have any issues prevention you from reporting no later than your reporting date (orders) or when your leave ends (DA 31), you must contact your previous unit S1 or the gaining S1 IMMEDIATELY!
Documents required:
1) Original copy of your signed DA 312
2) Four (4) copies of your orders bringing you here to include all
3) Military clothing records (CIF and Uniformed)
4) All medical/dental records to include your profile if applicable
5) All personal documents to include driver’s license, insurance
card, and vehicle registration
Reporting in casual/serviceable Civilian Attire is authorized.
Grooming standards (in civilian attire or military uniform) IAW AR 670-1 at all times.