The Slagel Mess Hall is located on the METC and is open to service member students only on weekdays and all service members on weekends and holidays.
Slagel Chow Hall Hours:
Monday - Friday
Breakfast 0600-0830
Lunch 1100-1330
Dinner 1730-1930
Saturday - Sunday
Breakfast 0730-0930
Lunch 1200-1400
Dinner 1730-1930
Source: Dining Website

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1 Review
While the food here is consistently decent, a number of the entry way hand washing stations have been "temporarily out of order" since before my arrival in late October and now it is late January. Kind of ironic how the classes here revolve around health care and teach that proper hand washing is the number one preventative measure of spreading sickness and disease.
posted about 8 years ago