Located adjacent to NSA Headquarters at Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland, the Museum houses thousands of artifacts that collectively serve to sustain the history of the cryptologic profession. Here visitors can catch a glimpse of some of the most dramatic moments in the history of American cryptology: the people who devoted their lives to cryptology and national defense, the machines and devices they developed, the techniques they used, and the places where they worked. For the visitor, some events in American and world history may take on a new meaning. For the cryptologic professional, it is an opportunity to absorb the heritage of the profession.
Originally designed to house artifacts from the Agency and to give employees a place to reflect on past successes and failures, the Museum quickly developed into a priceless collection of the Nation's cryptologic history. The Museum opened to the public in December 1993 and immediately became a highlight of the area, being called, "America's Hidden Treasure."
Being one of the first public museums in the Intelligence Community, the Museum hosts approximately 70,000 visitors annually from all over the country and throughout the world, allowing them a peek into the secret world of codemaking and codebreaking.
The Museum is also an invaluable educational tool, benefiting thousands of students and teachers every year. Staff and docents provide students of all ages the chance to learn about cryptology's impact on history and the possibility of exciting jobs in an area they may not have thought possible.
The Museum has been featured in a plethora of international TV, print, and radio media and has hosted visitors and dignitaries from around the world.