Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center (KACC) at Fort Meade provides health care, medical readiness, and support, to Active Duty Service Members of all branches of service; their eligible Family Members; military Retirees and their Family Members.
Pharmacy: Mon - Fri: 0700-1800
1st Friday of the month: 0900-1600
Refill Line: 800-248-6337
For Pharmacy, please call main number.
Online refills:
Source: KACC Website

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1 Review
I was seen at Kimbrough for nearly 2 years at various clinics - radiology ortho, pt,, bh, etc.. I think people coming from other, larger installations have the, "Well, at my last base..." mentality and that is neither constructive or fair. I came from a much smaller clinic to Kimbrough and I found all of their services very helpful. The only times things became frustrating is when I didn't explain something correctly The care was good, and in some cases great, even as I prepared for retirement.
posted about 6 years ago