Dental Clinic #3 at Ft Meade is located at at the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center. Their goal is to assist you in obtaining the dental care necessary to maintain optimal oral health readiness while you are stationed in the area. Their staff of dental professionals is capable of providing comprehensive dental care for the active-duty service members stationed in this area. If you have a particular need or question, please feel free to contact the clinic.
Other than Active Duty (OTAD) Care
Family members of active-duty personnel eligible for are required to utilize the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) . This includes emergency care, as the TDP provides coverage for palliative emergency treatment.
Retirees and their family members are encouraged to enroll in the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (DELTA SELECT USA) Phone # 1-888-838-8737.
TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan (FMDP) for Eligible Family Members of Active Duty Personnel
Effective April 1, 1993, and as directed by law, the Army Dental Care System curtailed dental care for other than active duty (OTAD) personnel. Beneficiaries enrolled in the TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan (FMDP) will not receive services covered by the plan in U.S. Army Medical Command Dental Treatment Facilities, other than limited care for true dental emergencies. The TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan is a voluntary program for spouses and eligible children of active duty members of the seven Uniformed Services. (Note: Active-duty service members are not covered under this program.)
The TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan does cover routine and specialty dental care on a full or cost-sharing basis. Enrollment for your family members is accomplished through your Military Personnel Office (not the Dental Clinic Command). A list of participating dentists (those accepting the Dental Insurance fee schedule as full payment or as an agreed percentage in case of cost shared procedures) is available at both Dental clinics on Fort Meade.
The TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan provides coverage for dental emergencies during and after dental office business hours. Palliative dental care (treatment of oral conditions requiring immediate dental care) is a covered benefit. For information concerning emergency dental treatment, refer to the United Concordia Benefit Booklet or call UCC customer service at 1-800-866-8499.
Emergency Procedures
For urgent dental emergencies (severe pain, swelling, trauma) after duty hours, there is an on-call dentist. The Dentist on Duty and CQ can be reached at 410-320-8169.
Note: All beneficiaries must have a valid ID card in their possession when presenting for care.
Routine Care
All patients must have a current examination prior to definitive dental treatment, to include cleanings. After this initial step, active duty personnel may make appointments by phone or in person. They will receive priority care and re-appointment until oral health (Class I dental fitness status) is achieved.
Active-duty personnel will always receive care on a first priority basis. When the clinic is fully staffed, they should not have to wait more than 2 to 3 weeks between routine appointments and will receive all categories of care.
The Director of Dental Services will curtail space available care to retirees and family members as required, based on priority delineated in AR 40-3, to ensure expedient care to active-duty personnel at all times.
At our present staffing levels, care for other than active-duty (OTAD) personnel is essentially unavailable.
The Dental Clinics are closed on all Federal holidays.
Source: Dental Clinic Website