CDC Bldg 614 at Fort Leonard Wood offers full-day, part-day and hourly care for children in nationally accredited environments. Services are offered to children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old.
Part Day Preschool
3 hour/day program with choice of 5 days, 3 days, or 2 days per week.
Before and After Kindergarten* Before and after school care provided for children attending Kindergarten. Full day care provided on school "out" days and during the summer following the Kindergarten school year.
Hourly Care Centers offer reserved and drop-off care on an hourly basis.
Pre-Kindergarten/Strong Beginnings Strong Beginnings is a 3 hour/day program 5 days per week that provides school readiness skills for children turning 4 years by August 1.
*In some communities, Kindergarten children may be located in the School Age Center.
Source: Ft Leonard Wood MWR Website