The Fort Knox Binter Street Pharmacy is located near the main commissary and class six.
Please allow 2 Business Days To Process Refills. If your prescriptions are not picked up within 14 Days, they will be returned to stock. Controlled Substance Medication Refills will not be issued to you until you are within 3 days before your prescription is gone, based on the date you picked up the prescription. For example, on a 30 days your prescription will be issued to you on the 28th day.
Source: iach.knox.amedd

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4 Reviews
I want the whole world to know that I am very grateful for the wonderful, kind, courteous, efficient service that this organization has provided to me over these years. I had occasion to call the pharmacy just now and a person named Jacqueline answered and provided me with what I needed. She is very nice and efficient over the phone, would someone please thank her for me with a great big "pat on the back". Many thanks to all at Binter Street Pharmacy. Sincerely, Dave W., Louisville KY
posted about 6 years ago
Good web site. We've had good, quick, accurate service at Binter Pharmacy and hope it's not too badly impacted by the federal shut down.
posted about 6 years ago
outstanding service with a friendly smile. always ready to help! many thanks! Ted S.
posted over 6 years ago
The wait time is really reasonable, especially considering the volume of prescriptions that are handled there each day. The staff are helpful and, if not overtly friendly, are never rude, snappy or surly. I appreciate this benefit and am grateful that my prescription costs will never soar like the civilian costs. (shudder...)
posted over 6 years ago