The Youth Sports and Fitness Program at Ft Huachuca is committed to providing each child and youth with an enjoyable learning experience.
The foundations of the programs are good sportsmanship and creating a safe environment where children and youth can gain a better understanding of each respective sport.
Registration Information
Children/youth, who are Family Members of active duty military, retirees, and Department of Defense civilian employees and contractors, are eligible to register for Youth Sports and Fitness Programs. Each child/youth must be registered through the Parent Central Office. To make an appointment to register your child/youth, please contact the Parent Central Office at 520-533-0738/3837.
Youth Physical Information
All children/youth must have a valid physical at the time of registration that goes through the end of the chosen sport. Children/youth will not be allowed to register unless they have a valid physical.
Program Information
Team Sports: Traditional team sports, competitive and non-competitive leagues, for children/youth offered at Fort Huachuca are as follows:
Individual Sports: Traditional and non-traditional sports for children/youth of all abilities. Individuals participate in non-competitive and competitive events and are coached by trained volunteers or staff. Individual sports at Fort Huachuca include:
Mini-Sports Basketball
Mini-Sports Flag Football
Mini-Sports Soccer
Mini-Sports T-Ball
Health and Fitness Programs: Fitness and Health programs for children/youth are facilitated by the Youth Sports and Fitness Director, Program Assistants, Army Public Health Nurses, and trained volunteers.
Outreach Service Programs: Intramural and skill-building activities for children/youth in partnership with Private Sector Organizations. Outreach Service Programs at Fort Huachuca include the following:
Sport-Specific Clinics
Youth Services Pick-Up Games (conducted at the Middle School/Teen facility)
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (Family and MWR) Partnerships
American Youth Football League (Flag)
Travel Soccer Team
Festivals/Special Events
Source: YSF Website