Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center (RWBAHC) located on Fort Huachuca provides primary care (all ages), orthopedic clinic and same day procedure, physical therapy, optometry and preventive medicine consultations Monday thru Friday, 0730-1630.
RWBAHC does not have EMERGENCY room capability. Emergency Room care is provided by Canyon Vista Medical Center Emergency Room. Access to medical care at RWBAHC is by appointment, unless otherwise stated.
To access RWBAHC medical appointments, please call (520)533-9200 / 1-877-856-2821 from 0600-1500 Monday thru Friday (NOTE: CLOSED at 1400 on the 4th Thursday of each month for training), or book an appointment by using Tricare Online
After 0600 any enrolled beneficiary may call for an appointment. This automated phone system can be used to schedule appointments, request general information, contact clinic staff, or cancel an appointment.
Source: rwbach.huachuca.amedd.army.mil