Monroe Health Clinic at Fort Hood is the focal point of a comprehensive community health system that responds to the healthcare needs of the 1st Cavalry Division Soldiers. They provide outpatient care and community health education to our Soldiers. They continually strive to improve the quality of service to our patients and to provide the best healthcare to all.
Appointments are only made by calling the respective unit's Front Desk phone numbers posted above or in person at the respective "Front Desk" for your unit during normal duty days from 7am to 4pm. At this time, Monroe Health Clinic appointments are locally managed and we are likely to reschedule any appointments you make www.tricareonline.comoffsite link in new window or Relay Health. There will be new trial initiatives in the near future to present you with additional options to make appointments.
All Chapter Physicals and PHA appointments are booked at Monroe Health Clinic in person only with proper documentation.