The staff and residents of the Carl R. Darnall Family Medicine Residency Clinic (FMRC) would like to welcome you and thank you for choosing our center for health services. We provide health care services to soldiers assigned to Fort Hood tenant units, their family members, and retirees.
Active Duty Sick Call Sign In:
Monday – Friday: 0730-0800
Immunizations Walk-In Hours:
Monday – Wednesday & Friday: 0900-1100 & 1300-1500
Thursday Only: 0900-1100
The clinic is on the first floor of Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood.
When you enrolled in TRICARE Prime, you were given a Primary Care Manager (PCM) by name. The Patient Appointment Service (288-8888) will always attempt to give you an appointment with your PCM. When your PCM is unavailable, your appointments will generally be with a member of your PCM's team.