Meadows CDC is located in Building 333. Meadows CDC offers full-day care for children 6 weeks to 5 years of age, part-time Preschool (not offered during school breaks), Before & After School care for Pre-K and Kindergarten children attending Meadows Elementary School, and hourly care for children from 0700 until 1800 for children 6 weeks to 2 years old. For children ages 3-5 years, hourly care is offered between the hours of 0700-1400.

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1 Review
The front desk personnel is quite friendly, but some of the caregivers are not. Kids should feel welcomed when thay walk in, but some of the caregivers don't even get off their chairs to greet them. It makes it more difficult for the kids to stay. In addition, I have received mixed information regarding rules. The so called required orientation included a bunch of forms to fill out and a walk to the assigned room, so it wasn't a real orientation. We had plenty of questions left.
posted over 7 years ago