Education Services and programs are available at the Education Center and Multi-Use Learning Facility. Active duty military, reserve component military, retirees, Department of the Army civilians and their adult family members may receive counseling, information about financial aid and local programs, and enrollment in selected programs.
Counseling Services include;
Education, career and guidance counseling.
Military Occupational Specialty - career maps and promotion study guidance.
Financial aid, grants and scholarship information.
Montgomery GI Bill, Veterans Education Assistance Program (VEAP), and Old GI Bill/Vietnam-era VA education benefit program information.
Post 9/11 GI-Bill education benefit program information.
Evaluation of military experience for civilian college credit using the Joint Service Transcript (JST) or DD295.
ROTC Green to Gold Program, AMEDD and Physician Assistant information.
Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST) program
The counselor will use the GoArmyEd website to maintain your educational record.