The Vehicle Resale Lot at Fort Eustis (JBLE) is located in the Community Recreation Center parking lot. This is the only authorized parking area for the advertisement and sale of vehicles on Fort Eustis. Only operational vehicles owned by active duty or retired military personnel and their Family members, and DOD civilians are permitted to be placed in the Vehicle Resale Lot. An authorized individual desiring to park their vehicle in the Resale Lot must first obtain a 30-day Permit from the Community Recreation Center, Building 671 Lee Blvd. Permit may be renewed for a max of 3 months. Vehicles without a valid permit posted in their windshield will be reported to the Provost Marshal's Office and towed at owner's expense. Permits are issued during the Community Recreation Center's normal hours of operation - Mondays through Sundays, 0900-1900 hours
30 day permit
Cars - $20 per month
RV's and Trailers - $60 month.
Source: JBLE FSS Website