All officers and enlisted Soldiers (permanent party) upon arrival should report as follows:
Building 650 Monroe Avenue, Fort Eustis Virginia 23604
Officers - Room 124 Phone (757) 878-1395 Enlisted - Room 131 Phone (757) 878-4431
Staff Duty Officer for 7th TB (X), Building 825 Monroe Avenue, EOC Phone (757) 878-5112 ext 228
Staff Duty Officer for 128th AVN BDE, Building 2717 McLain Street, Room # 3 Phone (757) 878-6609 ext 3378 or 3367
AOD for McDonald Army Health Center, Building 576 Jefferson Avenue, main entrance information desk Phone: (757) 314-7500 or (757) 872-2786
Staff Duty Officer for DENTAC Building 577 Sternberg Avenue, Room # 2B Phone (757) 871-9421
Report to the building 650 by 0800 on the first duty day following weekend/holiday for in processing.
Documents needed:
1. One copy of orders and (amendments (if applicable)).
2. Request and Authority for Leave (DA FORM 31)
Item 14 DEPARTURE: Information must be filled in by your loosing command.
Item 15 EXTENSION: Information must be filled in by you gaining command if you sign in after your leave date in item 10(b).
Item 16 RETURN: Must be filled in at your unit after 1630 or on a weekend/holiday.
Item 17 REMARKS: Permissive TDY cannot go pass item 10(b). Housing referral representatives are available from 0730-1530 Monday thru Friday only (757) 878-2977 or 5579.
The ACU duty uniform is worn during in-processing at Fort Eustis. Do not forget to bring your personnel records, including all PCS orders/amendments (if applicable), DA Form 31, medical, dental, and financial when checking in.
Your family is welcome to stay at the General Smalls Inn: located at , 1700 Madison Ave, Fort Eustis, VA 23604. Reservations may be made in advance of arrival by calling (757) 878-5807. If no vacancy, you will be referred to a hotel off Fort Eustis.
Out Processing
Officers - Room 124 Phone (757) 878-1395 Enlisted - Room 131 Phone (757) 878-4431
Clearance papers are issued daily 1300 – 1600 using the following guidelines:
(a) 5 working days - Soldiers residing in the barracks (b) 7 working days – all other Soldiers (on base housing & authorized to reside off post) (c) Intra post reassignments – 3 working days
The following documents are required for the issuance of clearance papers: - DA Form 31 (approved) - Orders - Battalion clearance papers [/tab]
[tab title="Enlisted Promotions"] Enlisted Promotions (757) 878-2872 Process SGT – SSG actions/orders Process SFC – SGM Board promotions
Visit HRC’s enlisted promotion for all updated information (cut off scores, sequence numbers, board schedule, etc):
[/tab] [tab title="Enlisted Records"]
Enlisted Records (757) 878-4431 Update Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) and Casualty documents Ensure all related documents are WEB uploaded to Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS)
Source: Personnel Services Website