The Fort Eustis ID Card Facility (DEERS and RAPIDS) is located on Monroe Ave. across from the Baseball Field.
CAC Priority - Mon-Fri 0800-0930
WALK-IN Hours – Mon-Fri 0930-1500
Appointment Times: Mon-Fri 0830 – 1545
Anyone interested in scheduling an appointment can do so by accessing the RAPIDS Site Locator.
Sponsors who need dependent ID cards reissued may complete in advance the DD Form 1172-2 and have it available for family members to be seen at an appointment or during walk-in hours.
Ages 21 - UP must have 2 forms of IDs (1 unexpired official picture + 1 official picture/non-picture) that bear the same reflected in DEERS. This also includes all CAC holders & spouses.
Ages 18-20 must have (2) unexpired official PHOTO ID. Example: Unexpired Driver's License; State ID; Valid Passport
Ages 10 -17 require (1) official form of Identification. Example: Birth Cert or SSN Card
Source: JBLE FSS Website