UH at Fort Eustis (JBLE) is provided for unaccompanied single Soldiers in the ranks of E-1 to E-5. Each Soldier is provided a private sleeping room and furnishings. The permanent party UH campus at Fort Eustis consists of 5 buildings and 912 rooms. Amenities include a large dayroom, which includes gaming tables, card tables, flat screen televisions, lounging furniture and a full size kitchen.
Base Specific Policy
During your orientation, the UH Management Office representative will inform you of all Army and base-specific policies.
UH Management Office Staff
The UH Management Office is staffed with professionals that can assist with all of your housing needs. Staffs vary but can be comprised of non-commissioned officers (NCO), Senior NCOs and some bases have civilian employees. The assigned military are Dorm Managers (DM). These members are highly motivated personnel dedicated to ensuring that residents receive quality service. DMs will provide you guidance and advice on UH life as well as mentor you on succeeding in the Army.
Assignment Procedures
As soon as you are notified of your assignment, contact your gaining unit and request to be assigned a sponsor. Your sponsor will be another military member assigned to your unit and will assist with your move. The sponsor or gaining unit must then contact the UH Management Office to notify them of your impending arrival date and work to secure you a dormitory room.
Unit Integrity
In most cases, you will be assigned a room in an area of the barracks set aside for the personnel who work in your unit. This is to promote camaraderie among unit members. If a room is not available near other members of your unit, you may be assigned a temporary room until one with your unit becomes available.
Planning Your Move
Prior to travel, arrange to meet your sponsor or someone from your unit upon arrival at the gaining installation. If you arrive on a business day during normal duty hours, have your sponsor escort you to the UH Management Office. A civilian Dorm Manager will take you through the process of checking you into your room and performing a move-in inspection and inventory of the allotted furnishings and supplies.
If you arrive on the weekend or after normal duty hours, have your sponsor make arrangements to pick up your room key from the UH Management Office or acquire a hospitality room for you until you can meet with a Dorm Manager. If you obtain your room key outside of normal duty hours, it is still a mandatory requirement to report to the UH Management Office the next duty day for in-processing. Prior to a soldier arriving at Fort Eustis, it is recommended that they contact their command for sponsorship to ensure their transition is a pleasurable experience.
Resident Responsibilities
You will be expected to keep your room and any shared living space clean and tidy. You will also be accountable for your room and the furnishings provided. Residents may be held liable for any damages beyond normal fair wear and tear. See your DM or UH Management Office representative if you have any questions about your resident responsibilities.
Inspection Program
The Installation Commander establishes a base-wide UH inspection program focused on health and safety. Squadron Commanders and unit First Sergeants implement the inspection program and visit rooms to ensure that all residents from their squadron comply with installation standards.
It is mandatory for unaccompanied single Soldiers in the ranks of E-1 to E-5 to reside in UH. Notify the UH Management Office when circumstances has change (i.e. pregnancy, marriage, duty station change) to discuss terminating your stay in the Dorms. Contact the UH Management Office for procedures you must follow to clear your room. In certain circumstances, such as 95% occupancy, E-5 soldiers may be authorized to reside off post. Your DM or UH Management Office representative will advise residents when utilization has been met.
Source: AF Housing Website