Outdoor Recreation at Fort Carson maintains two Recreational Vehicle Storage Lots. Each lot is fully fenced and an electronic key pad gate allows customer a secure 24/7 access. One lot is located next door to the Outdoor Recreation Building 2429 on Specker Avenue just north of the building. The second lot is located near Gate 20 by the Shopette. RV storage is on a space available basis. Storage space is available to Active Duty Military, National Guard Members, Military Retirees, and DOD Civilians. Active Duty Military have Priority placement. All items stored in the ODR RV Storage Lots must have comprehensive insurance on the stored itemed to include theft, fire, wind, and hail storm damage.
Monthly storage rates are based on the size of the space:
Space Monthly Rate
Up to 11' $25
12'-19' $30
20'-29' $35
30'-39 *Limited availability $40
40' or larger Unavailable
If a storage space is not available at the time, they will place you on a waiting list for when space does become available in the future
Source: Equipment Checkout Center Website

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1 Review
They don't prorate their monthly storage rates. Customer service is decent for NAF employees.
posted over 7 years ago