The Fort Carson ID Card and DEERS Facility is located at Fort Carson on O'Connell Blvd at Wallace Street.
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One appt. per family. Schedule appts at least 24 hours prior to the day/time you would like to reserve. Please show up 10 minutes prior to appt. Appt Time Starts at 0830. Please have your Confirmation # and Appointment Schedule at time of appointment.
To Cancel Appointment
One appt. per family. Please cancel your apptointment while logged into the appointment website, and update using your confirmation number. You may also contact a FT Carson's ID Card/DEERS Official at 719-524-3704 to update.
Source: RAPIDS

Leave a Review
1 Review
Very happy to have the The Fort Carson ID card and DEERS Facility in Colorado. Having an office here will help many, many people, like me.
posted about 6 years ago