The Family Advocacy Victim Advocate Program supports both the Family Advocacy Program in the response to domestic abuse in addition to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program. Victim Advocates are trained professionals who provide emergency and follow up support services to adult victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Advocacy services are available to Service members, spouses or ex-spouses of Service members, an individual with whom the Service member has a child in common and boyfriends/girlfriends of service members who live together. Victim advocate services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Advocacy services include crisis response, information on reporting options, medical treatment options, law enforcements response, emergency services, safety planning, obtaining military and civilian protective orders, accompaniment to medical forensic exams, medical appointments, as well as accompaniment to court for orders of protection hearings, and trails. Advocates work closely with their civilian counter-parts and provide a warm-hand-off to victims that do not qualify for on-going advocacy services within the military community.