At the Fort Campbell Housing Services Office (HSO) we want you to know we understand what a stressful time moving is for the Service Member and his/her family. We want to make this process as easy as we can. Please stop by the HSO and let our trained staff of professionals assist you and your family with your off-post housing needs.
All Service Members should report to the Housing Services Office Prior to Leasing or Purchasing Off-Post Housing.
Permissive TDY (PTDY)
Service Members on Permissive TDY for house hunting in conjunction with PCS leave must report to the HSO on the FIRST DAY of PTDY and receive a housing stamp and date on their DA 31 leave form. If the leave form is not properly stamped and dated by housing, finance will charge you regular annual leave instead of PTDY. This is undoubtedly the most contentious issue with in-processing Soldiers.