The Lozada Fitness Center at Fort Campbell is located at the intersection of Desert Storm Ave. with 38th St.
Built in 1963 Lozada PFC consists of 27,618 sq ft. In 2011 a 7,200 sq ft addition was added to the facility. This addition has been designated as the weight room. In June 2014 Lozada held its first competition in for the solider and civilian work force of Ft. Campbell. The event was a success with about 20 competing for first, second, and third place honors. This is just an example of what Lozada has to offer. The facility offers:
Weight room
Male/female locker and showers
Co ‐ed sauna
Racquetball court that can be utilized as a fitness area
Basketball court
Cardio room equipped with treadmills, elliptical, Stairmaster, summit climbers, stepper, versa climber, rowers, motion trainers, and a Jacobs ladder.
Spin Bike Room with 18 spin bikes plus one for instructor for units to reserve as an alternate for unit P.T. during P.T. hours
Military units can reserve a room to conduct their own classes during P.T. Hours, but they are limited to 1 hour per day per unit.
Lozada's basketball is mainly used for pickup basketball for the soldiers, their family members as well as the civilian work force of Fort Campbell. The basketball court is also utilized by the units as a deployment and redeployment site though not as often as when the war started. The BOSS (Better Opportunity for Single Soldiers) program is supported by Lozada as needed.
Lozada has also take one of the racquetball court and converted it into a exercise bike room. This room is equipped with upright and recumbent bikes. The bikes are spaced so that they can be utilized without worrying about have enough space to mount and dismount the equipment. Monday through Friday, during P.T. hours, Lozada plays host to post wide pregnancy P.T. program. The wounded warriors also utilize Lozada to conduct their CMSC rehab program. Lozada in the past has hosted numerous combative certification program.