Family Child Care (FCC) offers a warm, nurturing family environment for children 4 weeks to 12 years of age. Parents may choose from a variety of care options provided by highly motivated, well trained providers. Program activities are developed to reflect the unique skills of the provider and include play-based, child-centered activities that are exciting and fun for the children and is an information and referral tool for parents considering using Family Child Care (FCC) as their child care option.
The private section is made up of detailed text and pictures describing individual FCC Provider's homes. This information is intended to help parents see both the quality of the FCC Homes but also the uniqueness and individuality of each FCC Provider. This section is password protected and can only be reached through the Installation Child, Youth & School (CYS) Services Central Enrollment Registry (CER) Office. To get more information about reviewing FCC Provider Homes, a parent can find contact information in the public section of The following childcare options are available: Full day care, part day care, extended hours care, and drop in hourly care.