The SPC Frances Vega Gate and VCC at Fort Buchanan is open to Vehicles/Pedestrians/Bicycles 24/7 (No truck traffic).
The Visitor Control Center (VCC) is open Monday to Saturday - 0600-1600
About Background Checks
In accordance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 and Army Regulation 190-13, all visitors and uncleared contractors desiring unescorted access to Fort Buchanan, must be vetted through the National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index (NCIC III).
How To Request Access
To complete a background check and be issued an installation access badge you must go to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) located the Fort Buchanan Spc. Frances M. Vega Gate and complete an access request form.
Visitors Access
Visitors, contractors and vendors 18 years and older, entering Fort Buchanan, who do not have a DoD identification card, will be subject to a background check before being allowed entry to the installation. Those who present a common access card (CAC card), Military ID, Military Dependent ID, Gold Star ID, or other valid DoD credential won't be affected.
Source: Fort Buchanan Website