***If your call is not answered when calling specific clinic numbers there is no one available to take your call. Please try back later or call the Central Appointment Line where operators can assist you.***
The Fort Bliss Mendoza Soldier Family Care Center medical clinic is located on East Fort Bliss on SSG Sims Street, next to the new Dental Clinic. You take SGM Blvd. and turn left onto SSG Sims Street, the building is located on your left.
The Mendoza Soldier Family Care Center is open Monday - Friday from 0700-1600 to provide additional time for patients to complete diagnostic tests or pick up prescriptions ordered by their doctors. The primary care practices inside of the Mendoza clinic are open 0700-1600. These primary care practices include Pediatrics, Family Care, and Soldier Care. Click on the links for those practices for more information. The Mendoza clinic will be closed on all Federal Holidays and a select few Training Holidays.

Leave a Review
2 Reviews
I love the Mendoza Clinic with the exception of the Lab Department. This last order that I gave and was drawn, they did the opposite of what the order was. Not following a Dr. orders is very unprofessional and causes a delay on my continued health treatment. Maybe the lab department needs an overhaul or at least more training. This was a costly error on their part.
posted about 8 years ago
Absolutely awful! Soldiers, try to make an appointment! you will be directed to a voice mail.
posted over 8 years ago