The Legal Office at Fairchild AFB is dedicated to helping those who pledge their lives to protect America. Their scope includes Legal Assistance, Wills, POA, and Notaries.
If you are unable to come in during the normal duty hours, please contact the office to ensure your legal needs/questions are answered.
· Members of the armed forces who are on AD, including reservists, National Guard members and contract ROTC cadets on federal active duty under Title 10, United States Code.
· Air Reserve Component member performing Active Guard/Reserve tours including those on 10USC 10211, 12310, 32usc, or 502(F) are eligible.
· Retired Military Members.
· Officers of the commissioned corps of the public health service who are on AD.
· Members of reserve components following release from AD under a call or order to AD for more than 30 days issued under mobilization authority.
· Dependents of members and former members listed above and who are entitled to an identification card.
· Civilian employees/civilian contractors deploying to or in a theater of operations are furnished the opportunity and assistance to prepare and execute wills and any necessary POA.