The Legal Office at Eglin AFB provides full spectrum legal support to the 96th Test Wing, seven tenant wings or wing equivalents, and 37 associate units from multiple MAJCOMs on the largest military installation in the Department of Defense. In addition to supporting the Air Force's largest single base mobility commitment, the Eglin Legal Office provides military justice support to a special court-martial convening authority, provides legal support for the test and acquisition of armament systems employed by all DoD services and serves a legal assistance client base of approximately 90,000 people.
Powers of Attorney and Notary Service
Powers of Attorney and Notary services are available on a walk-in basis during our normal business hours.
Legal Assistance Hours
· Active Duty, Reservists, Guardsmen on Federal Orders and Dependents: Legal Assistance and Will creation are handled on a walk-in basis every Tuesday and Thursday, from 0830-1030
· Retirees and Eligible Dependents: Legal Assistance and Will creation are handled by appointment only on Wednesday mornings, from 0830-1030 Please call the office to schedule an appointment.
Source: Eglin AFB Legal Website