The Fitness Center at Eglin AFB offers offer services to Eglin's active duty, tech training, retired military, DoD civilian personnel, base contractors, and family members.
The main base Fitness and Sports Center is located near Eglin's East Gate, just around the corner from the Chapel. The 45,000 square foot center serves an average of 1,000 valued customers each day. It has racquetball courts, basketball court, volleyball court, men's and women's saunas and exercise rooms, cardio and weight rooms, stretch room, and spin room. Outdoors, there are softball fields and a football field, as well as a soccer area. In addition, there are lighted tennis courts just outside the Center. A detailed listing of all fitness rooms, equipment, and services is found in the Fitness Center brochure.
Frequently named "Best in AFMC," the Fitness Center operates the largest intramural sports program in AFMC and one of the largest in the USAF, encompassing seven different intramural sports. Special events are frequently held at the center, including Bench Press and Weight Lifting Competitions, racquetball competitions, tennis competitions, dodge ball competitions and Fitness Appreciation Days. The Annual Gate-to-Gate Run, Zombie Run, Team Fitness Challenge and regular fun runs are also hosted by the Fitness Center. During the week, a diverse schedule of fun group fitness classes offers a wide range of physical intensities and a variety of focuses, from strength training to fat burning to heart health and more. Co-ed classes are taught at the main Fitness Center, the Premier Fitness Laboratory, and the Physical Training Facility at Bldg 720, near the East Gate Shoppette.
Intramural sports include flag football, basketball, over 30 basketball, soccer, volleyball, softball and golf. Varsity sports include basketball, soccer and volleyball. Maps are available for a variety of running trails on base as well as information on running, cycle and bench press incentive programs.
Eglin's Fitness Program is not limited just to the main center. Right next door, the Premier Fitness Laboratory offers a versatile space for a variety of fitness classes and personal training, as well as Massage Therapy services available by appointment. The Fitness Field House—located on the opposite side of Eglin Blvd, just past the East Gate Shoppette—offers a place for weight lifting and TRX between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. every weekday. And at Oak Hill on the west side of the base, the Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC) is where Active Duty airmen perform their bi-annual PT tests.
All base personnel are eligible to use the Fitness Center. Information on facilities, Intramural and Varsity sports, and hours of operation can be obtained by calling the Fitness Center

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1 Review
Gym is huge and really nice. It has different sections for cardio, free weights, etc and smaller gym across the street for those who don't won't to be seen by the crowd at the big gym.
posted about 8 years ago