Cartouche and Coin at Eglin AFB has years of experience and most of theiritems come hand made from Turkey. About 90% of their displays ARE custom made. They send the idea or design and in return we receive our stunning high quality cases and displays. You will not find any cases or displays around like ours on the internet or in any store. These are our creations and one of a kind.
They also have a few cases and displays that are not their design but are still of high quality and stunning as well.
If you have a special event or function and you would like custom made Challenge coins, email them the idea and we will create a coin that will perfectly represent exactly what you have in mind. This would also include Commander Coins.
Their Cartouches are ALL handmade and also from Turkey.
Their jewelry is Authentic gold and silver and is of High quality.
Source: Cartouche & Coins Website