Outdoor Recreation at Davis-Monthan AFB is here to provide you with many of the items you will need to take advantage of the local recreation areas. They offer a wide variety of quality outdoor equipment for camping, boating, fishing, sports, cooking, parties, and celebrations of any kind. They are also proud to offer a schedule of year-round adventure activities that are fun for friends and families!
Whether you’re looking for an organized rafting expedition through the Grand Canyon, a trip to the lake for kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding, or a fun excursion to a cool local hiking spot, the experienced staff will be glad to assist you. They are here to make exploring Arizona easy, safe, and fun!
Programs & Services
Outdoor Recreation offers a wide range of facilities, services, trips, and services, including a large equipment rental center offering everything from campers and camping equipment to bounce houses, kayaks, and much more.
Equipment Rental
Trips & Events
Camping & BBQ Packages
Trap & Skeet Range
Indoor/Outdoor Pools
Base Theatre
Sand Volleyball Court
Skate Park
RV & Vehicle Storage
Party Venues
Source: Davis Monthan FSS Website