Education Center

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  • Mon
    0730 - 1630
    0730 - 1630
    0730 - 1630
    0730 - 1630
    0730 - 1630
  • Hours Info
    Closed every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1130 for in-house training.

Education Center at JB Charleston offers different educational services.

General Education Mobile
-GEM offers General Education courses to meet CCAF AAS degree requirements
-Courses are offered in mobile (distance) learning format: anytime, anywhere availability
-Reduces the impact of deployments, PCS, and family commitments
-GEM eases student course selection and registration via single-point access on the Air Force Virtual
-Education Center (AFVEC)
-Facilitates student planning across entire Gen-Ed curriculum—motivates student to complete
-courses on a self-paced timeline
-GEM goal is to reduce the average CCAF graduation time to less than six years
-GEM features partnerships with community colleges to offer education focused on freshman/sophomore
-level instruction at a lower per-credit tuition assistance cost
-GEM will be delivered via the Air Force Portal and AFVEC
-GEM will feature a familiar look and feel as the successful AU-ABC platform
-GEM will feature integrated search, registration, course enrollment, tuition assistance, and transcript ordering processes

Park Center National Testing Center
Located at 101 W Hill Blvd. 221

1240 Monday
0840 Tuesday
1240 Wednesday
0840 Thursday
Call (843) 552-7990 or email for SCHEDULING CLEP* and DSST exams.

Exam Registration is REQUIRED at for CLEP exams. The proctoring of these tests are free for Active Duty Members.

he Education Center, hosts the Officer Training briefing every other month. This briefing provides information to enlisted Airmen interested in becoming an Air Force Officer through different commissioning programs to include the USAF Academy, OTS, AFROTC, SOAR and AECP Scholarships and the Physician Assistant Program.

Guest speakers from the Charleston Southern University and the Citadel will be available to answer questions about ROTC programs.

TO REGISTER for the briefing, contact Edward White at 963-4578 or email
For more information, visit the ROTC website or the OTS website (a CAC is required for login).

Source: Education Center Website


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