Schedule of Services:
1630 Reconciliation
1730 Catholic Mass
0915 Catholic Mass
1100 Protestant Worship
Monday thru Friday:
1200 Catholic Mass
Holy Days:
1200 Catholic Mass
1800 Catholic Mass
Islamic Schedule:
Islamic Center for learning, dawah, 5 daily prayers. The Jumah Friday prayer is held each Friday at 12:30 p.m. at The Peace Centre, 505 Cavalry Road, Carlisle. 241-9600.
Jewish Schedule:
Jewish services are conducted at Milton B. Asbell Center for Jewish Life, 262 W. High Street on Friday evening at 1915 and Saturday morning at 1015. For information call 717-732-5005
Eastern Orthodox Schedule:
Divine Liturgy, 1000, Sundays, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, 1000 YverdonDrive, Camp Hill. Phone 763-7441.
Denominational & Religious Faith Services:
The chapel will be glad to assist you in making contact with your particular faith group.